Munich High End and hifideluxe
Unfortunately it looks like the weather this year will be quite warm and sunny, which means the air conditioners will be set to max and the rooms will be toasty.
Unfortunately many pictures have been lost.
Not too many impressions for this year
Other shows
CanJam 2016
Focal Utopia vs Sennheiser HD800 (modded)
I really enjoyed the Utopia and thought that overall it was close to neutral sounding with a bit of a wonkiness in the midrange. The HD800 has a larger stage and a softer driver presentation, that I preferred. Once modded its treble becomes more natural than the Utopia.
CanJam 2015
Not too many interesting things. There were three russian headphones. I found out that the HE-1000 has a diaphragm of roughly 90-150um thickness. And I listened to the SRS-202 in-ear set and quite enjoyed it for what it is.
CanJam 2014
They had the UE CIEM demos while I was here and I also got to hear the DBA-02 mk II, which I quite liked, but overall I preferred the UE4. The UERM, however, was the start of the show for me and I ended up buying one. Even now, almost 10 years later it still fits me.
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